2012 UFO ALIEN INVASION FALSE FLAG : Golden Number, Sacred Geometry, Fibonacci Sequence (Part 17)
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Este vídeo es una respuesta al vídeo 2012 UFO ALIEN INVASION FALSE FLAG : Amazing Architecture Of The Ancient Global Empire (Part 16).
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The Angels built it all and the Angels confirmed this with me, the Egyptians moved in later and nothing more but they did try to copy the original Great Pyramid and failed, The Great Pyramid is Yahweh's Alter and Mother Earth is His Temple,you can find Him at Channel YHWH3168,Easter Island has 888(YAHWEH) Angel built statues...........Saint Thomas
Crankwhistle hace 3 días
since the great pyramid is missing the cap stone, arent these number wrong??
rockync7 hace 3 días
113 32 5 5
acceraccer2001 hace 3 días
thank you for posting
sufizmjim hace 4 días
Goole or youtube Ron Eglash African Fractals many traditional African buildings employs the use of fractals interesting new area of study.
spider879 hace 4 días
Oh, well in that case it's all good! Thanks for clarifying that. (I hope that's what he really means.)
moneyguy2008 en respuesta a jeeraff (Mostrar el comentario) hace 4 días
The sacred geometry is the geometry of nature,they say nature is always asymmetrical but if you look close within this geometry is a pattern.The ancients figured it out its no question,sacred geometry in art is used to provide proper veiw points and lighting points to make the piece as real as possible,sacred geometry and knowledge no question.The real question is why were these massive structures built,Maybe if we know why, then we will know how.The ancients used tech we dont understand yet.:~)
ashesoneeight hace 4 días 2
its outa this world
caessarion en respuesta a bret00981 (Mostrar el comentario) hace 4 días